20 April 2010

Portrait Drawings

Good news! I am officially done my third year of university! Today I had my final critique, which went alright. We had to submit two drawings done in class and two drawings done outside of class. I wish I had re- done my first out of class drawing, I think it would have helped me achieve a better grade. Anyways, I'm going to post the drawings I created in the class, even if some of them are not so great because it shows how much I've progressed over the semester. The ones that are black and white are conte on newsprint, 18x 24. The two red and white ones are conte on pastel paper. And the last one is conte and charcoal on stonehenge paper with an acrylic ground, 18x 24.


  1. These are so good! You're amazing at it... and that last one is stunning. Talent!

  2. Thanks! They all took a lot of work. I'm glad to hear that you like them :)

  3. Natasha, these are amazing.
    My favourite is the one of the young boy & the one of the woman with the skull.
    Okay, that's 2 favourites.
