30 December 2009

Figure Painting

Today I'm going to post some figure paintings.
The first nude study is a 30x 40 oil monochrome on an acrylic stained surface. I added a bit of a glaze with burnt sienna, and the red around the figure is in oil.
The second figure is also in oil on a stained 30x 40 surface. This one was odd. We had to use a limited palette from a list that the teacher gave us and I chose red, green, white, and black which gave the painting a weird effect. Also, just the position of the pose was a challenge along with my point of view. I remember this model though, he was a pretty interesting guy, a writer. I think his name was Phlip.
The last one is done in acrylic on paper. It is about 5' tall and I'm not really sure how wide it is. This was a 3 week pose, the others were done in two weeks. Each week we get about 3 hours to work on the figure. This was also done in a limited palette of red, yellow, white, and black. But I used blue as the ground to work on as well as the sheet that covered the chair. This one was kind of fun to do and was very different from working on the other poses. I was able to do a lot of layering with paint because it dried so quickly.

27 December 2009


I'm going to post up some studies I made for my figure drawing and painting classes from first semester.
The first are some hand studies on coloured paper done with charcoal and conte.
The second is a skull done with oil on stained paper.
Then there is an 8x 10 monochromatic self portrait that was glazed over with burnt sienna.
16x 20 copy of a master, "Meditation on the History of Italy" by Francesco Hayez.
There is another self portrait done on paper with chalk pastels. The face didn't turn out badly, the hair and background really was an afterthought.
The next is a class study of a plaster cast and skull. It was on of the first things we drew in that class. It's done on craft paper with charcoal.
The last two are just some studies of hands and feet. They are done with acrylic on canvas on top of a coloured ground.
Although these are not really finished works, I think its interesting to post some of this stuff since I learned so much from doing them.

17 December 2009

Figure Drawing

Well I havn't posted anything up here in a while. I've just been busy with school, but it's Christmas break, so I can post some more stuff up here. I think just for now I'm going to post some stuff from school. These are just some live models from a figure drawing class.
I havn't had time to make any art for myself, so unfortunately most of the stuff I put on here are things I've made for school.
So these pictures are actually in reverse order. The first one was a three week pose that was created after the first two and is about 5' using chalk pastels on a stained ground. The other two are also done on a stained ground but only took two weeks. The second one is using the three colour technique and i used charcoal and conte. The last (which was the first to be made) is a black and white charcoal monochrome.