14 May 2010

Athlete vs. Artist

So I just came back from a run on a glorious day in the GTA. And when I say run, I mean half jogging half walking. By no means am I athletic, but I want to have some kind of a healthy lifestyle... even though "running" once a week probably does not mean I am in shape, it still makes me feel good about myself.
Anyways, I had an idea of something to post here while I was out. Comparing an athlete to an artist. While both are talented in their own fields and must practice to maintain their skills, they are essentially different. Athletes usually lead a healthy lifestyle and are always in good shape. However, as they age they do not perform the same way as they once did when they were in their "prime". An artist does not necessarily lead a healthy life (the stereotype being a crazy hedonistic lush) but their skills only improve as they age (that is if they regularly practice). And although I would love to be in better shape, I am happy to be an artist instead of an athlete.
Speaking of practicing, I've included some paintings and drawings that I did in the past week. These, once again, were done for pure enjoyment and to "warm up" after lazing about for the first few weeks of the summer.
The first one is a small oil painting on wood of a little bronze boot I found lying around in my basement. I havn't used oil paint in a while so I decided to try it out on a small scrap of wood I found.
The second painting is also oil on a piece of scrap wood. This one was actually supposed to be a still life that I set up. But I became frustrated with it, and I just painted this angel candle holder I found.
The next are a bunch of popcorn drawings (with charcoal) on 18x 24" paper. I was watching "Coco avant Chanel" which is a pretty good movie, even if you're not into fashion. Now, I like slow movies, movies that are considered "boring". But the film was aesthetically pleasing and moody and so it kept my interest. Anyways, I had some popcorn left over that I didn't want to eat. I remember doing drawings of popcorn in school at some point. It's pretty challenging because they are so intricate, but it's definitely a good exercise and you come out with some neat drawings.
The last one is also a popcorn drawing, but I used white gouache for the light parts and charcoal for the shadow. This one is done on stained paper I had lying around from first semester.
Anyways, I should go shower. I guess I could have waited to write this entry, but it's what I felt like doing. :)

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