12 October 2009

Lambs, lambs, lambs

So I absolutely LOVE lambs, no idea why. I just think they are adorable I guess. Well I use them in a lot of my work. So I think I'm going to post some of the work that I've done with the sheep as the subject matter. :D
The first image a sketch I did in my second year of that stuffed lamb (Lullaby). I was just doing it to practice a more architectural way of drawing, seperating the subject matter into different planes. It was mostly a study to help me with my figure drawing.

The second image is another project for school where we had to do a collage and paint from that collage on a large wooden panel that we had to make ourselves. Basically I took some scrap fabric and made them into three simplified lambs. The first white lamb in the painting has a funny right eye because water got on the original collage and made the ink run. I like this piece just because I wasn't really used to painting this realistically before. Obviously the subject matter isn't realistic, but I wanted to make the paint look like the fabric I was drawing from. It's not exact, but I like being able to interpret things in different ways.

And finally the third is is a painting I did for my second year abstract class where we had to abstract from observation. So I used my stuffed lamb, Lullaby, as the source. You can see the outline of the shape of the source. I found this to be pretty challenging actually just because of the ground colour I was working with- bright yellow. It was hard to balance all of the other shapes and colours around it. Actually, I was working in the open studio at my school and someone in their fourth year I guess gave me the idea of placing flat shapes on top which I think worked out well because it gave the painting some depth.
I think I have some photographs I took of my lamb for a photography class in highschool. If I find it, I'll post it up here. Anyways, Happy Thanksgiving!

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